Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

Healthy Food For the Heart

Healthy foods for coronary heart Jantung.Penyakit is one of the most feared killer disease throughout dunia.Biasanya disease experienced by people of productive age and the sudden attack, which caused kematian.Sebanyak 80% died suddenly and 50 without symptoms sebelumnya.Hal this is because diet and lifestyle are also less healthy sehat.Nah this time we all will share the article back on heart-healthy diet and may be useful

Coronary heart disease mortality rate in Indonesia is high and of which 26 percent due to narrowing of the coronary arteries resulting from precipitation that has accumulated evil kolesterol.Kolesterol blood vessels will increase the incidence of heart disease and stroke.

In laboratory tests in patients with heart disease have called to check blood cholesterol, since cholesterol is one risk factor threshold jantung.Nilai disease blood tests are normal in the 50-200 mg / dl.Jadi when blood cholesterol is found more 200 then the risk of heart disease is often meningkat.Nah cholesterol we get from fast food and the like.

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Approximately 38 million Americans have high cholesterol, according to the American Heart Association. Cholesterol is a waxy fat-like substance that is in every cell of the body and is needed to build healthy cells and hormones. Serious heart problems could occur due to high cholesterol. Having high cholesterol is not the result of eating the wrong foods just a few days, weeks or even months, but years of poor eating habits.Here are some foods that are healthy for our heart:

Salmon.Ikan fish as we know a lot of omega 3 fatty acids include salmon, and Omega III didalamnya.Asam role in keeping cholesterol levels and help lower blood pressure and also reduce the risk of blood clots that berlebihan.Sehingga salmon is one of the foods that are good for the heart.
Gandum.Gandum is one kind of food that can reduce the levels of wheat is caused kolesterol.Hal contains a substance called beta-glucan that can absorb the bad cholesterol.
Kacang.Lemak monounsaturated fats found in nuts and seeds have the lowest fatty acid molecules and the best of the three other types of fats such as polyunsaturated fats, saturated fats and unsaturated fats we consume tunggal.Sehingga with nuts will add healthy fats (HDL) is actually necessary for our bodies.
Kedelai.Kedelai in this case is good for our cardiovascular health, because it can help in lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) as much as 8 percent.
Cokelat.Orang who loved going ckelat is certainly going to feel happy, because of a pack of dark chocolate rich in antioxidants and reducing agents also kolesterol.Pecinta chocolate can feel good because a healthy pack of dark chocolate rich in antioxidants and substances reducing health kolesterol.Ahli advised to consume 100 grams of dark chocolate every day in helping to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 21%
Zaitun.Minyak olive oil has many health benefits. These oils contain monounsaturated fat that can lower bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels without reducing the good cholesterol. Various processing stages offering different varieties of olive oil, such as extra virgin, virgin, pure, and pomace.Hopefully, we recognize that heart-healthy foods, we will start to like foods that are heart healthy.

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